May 22, 2024

Good morning from Cape Cod. Tracy and I are on a sort of working/vacation here. It's vacation because it's Cape Cod and it's working because we're both in this cottage working away on our laptops - but the view is spectacular!

I have finalized the artwork and the music for my new album. Originally I was going to call the album “some salvation” but that sort of morphed into “Bobbo Byrnes” - a self titled album. I mean, why not, right? I've never done a self titled album before. 

The cds are currently being manufactured and I'm working on getting the stuff together for a vinyl pressing as well. I already laid out all the music and more so than any other album of mine, it plays very nicely with the 22 minutes per side parameters set by vinyl's space limitations. 

The cd release show will be on Thursday, June 20 at The Harp Inn, in Costa Mesa, CA and I'm so excited for these tunes to be out in the world. 

If you're in the New England area, be sure to pick up a copy of Metronome Magazine's June issue as I am featured with a cover story. 

Finally, if you'd like to be the first kid on your block to get the new album - you can pre-order it on the website and it will be delivered on Tuesday, June 4th right to your inbox. If you opt for the buy CD option - I will be mailing them out the beginning of June so you should have them on the day as well. 

Hope you like it and thanks for hanging out with me all this time. 



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